Welcome to Missy's Blog!

Hi There! My Name's Missy and I'm a bantam chicken working for the Ohio Bird Sanctuary helping to educate kids and families about birds and nature. This is where I will be keeping a short dairy about my daily duties and going ons at the Sanctuary. If you have a question for me you can send it to AskMissyOBS@gmail.com and I will answer it on here.
Make sure to visit the Ohio Bird Sanctuary's website at OhioBirdSanctuary.com for upcoming events.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Here it goes!

Not much going on at the Sanctuary right now. I'm couped up inside the nature center because of the cold. I don't mind that so much since I get to be around people all day and most of the time I can get them to give me food, which is even better! But sometimes I get bored so if you want to come visit me I'd really appreciate it.
Well I've got to go for now, duty calls! I'm off to preschool programs all this week! But I'll be checking back here everyday so if you have any questions just email me at AskMissyOBS@gmail.com.
Have a great day everybody!


  1. Do you like my portrait? It was taken by professional photographer, David Fitzsimmons

  2. Busy day at Head Start today! I did six programs. The staff read the book "YUCK" to the preschoolers. It was all about things animals eat like bugs, spiders and worms. I was not quite sure why the kids kept yelling, yuck! I like spiders and worms.

  3. The snow is really falling. I usually like to go outside everyday and roll in the dirt but with all this snow the staff had to bring me in a bucket of dirt for me to bathe in. They don't seem too pleased when a spray it all over the floor.

  4. Missy here, spring has really sprung at the Sanctuary and many of the birds are starting to be moved back outside. The Peregrine Falcons finally have been moved from the classroom..they really made me nervous! The Kestrels are out in their outdoor flight enclosure during the day. They share this with Bundi the Barn owl whooo uses it at night. Ichabod the Turkey Vulture is still recoverying from his frost bite and is enjoying being pampered in the clinic. When you come to visit I will be waiting at the door for you, if I am lucky I will sneak out behind you and take a dirt bath in the flower beds.

  5. Thank you to all the visitors that have taken time to share their worms with me. Everyone gets so excited to go feed the Oriole and the Cedar waxwings in the aviary that they forget about me. Remember I am the star here. The staff has even put a couple of birds they say look like me in the avairy. They are quite handsome but not sure anyone can truely look like me. On Saturdays the new excitment is a bird show at 1pm. Many of the birds are learning to do behaviors like flying or running across stage. The bird trainers are working hard so if you have a chance stop by on a staturday, share some worms with me and then head down the brick walkway to the show. but

  6. Missy is finally returning to her glory. After a busy summer laying eggs she went into a full molt. Suddenly in October Missy dropped all her feathers in about 4 days. She resembled something more like a chicken from the grocery store then our domestic Diva. She stayed close by staff in the office during this humiliating and vulnerable time but is now back..fully feathered ...and strutting her stuff.
