Welcome to Missy's Blog!

Hi There! My Name's Missy and I'm a bantam chicken working for the Ohio Bird Sanctuary helping to educate kids and families about birds and nature. This is where I will be keeping a short dairy about my daily duties and going ons at the Sanctuary. If you have a question for me you can send it to AskMissyOBS@gmail.com and I will answer it on here.
Make sure to visit the Ohio Bird Sanctuary's website at OhioBirdSanctuary.com for upcoming events.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Artist in residence

Had a great time at the first annual Art on the Wing fund raiser for th Sanctuary and Mansfield Art Center. I did three painting for the event and raised over $250 for the organization. The staff even let me walk around withe other artists to show off my work!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Here it goes!

Not much going on at the Sanctuary right now. I'm couped up inside the nature center because of the cold. I don't mind that so much since I get to be around people all day and most of the time I can get them to give me food, which is even better! But sometimes I get bored so if you want to come visit me I'd really appreciate it.
Well I've got to go for now, duty calls! I'm off to preschool programs all this week! But I'll be checking back here everyday so if you have any questions just email me at AskMissyOBS@gmail.com.
Have a great day everybody!